Vol. 15 No. 30 (2020): Journal of the Academic Studies of Turkish-Islamic Civilization
The Reception Procedures of the Students to Enderun School
Abstract views: 527 / PDF downloads: 283 -
The Caravansarai Zancari and the Politics of Eyyubid’s Damascus Branch Ruler al-Malik al-Ashraf
Abstract views: 259 / PDF downloads: 128 -
Evaluation of the Representations on the Harp from Jargalant-Hayrhan (Cargalant-Kayirhan)
Abstract views: 283 / PDF downloads: 162 -
Sectarian Sourced Problems and Their Historical Origins Arising in Today's Islamic World
Abstract views: 278 / PDF downloads: 167 -
Ark of the Covenant: The Most Sacred Ritual Possession of Ancient Israel
Abstract views: 389 / PDF downloads: 197 -
Cutting Slabs (Maktas) in Ankara Ethnography Museum
Abstract views: 300 / PDF downloads: 107 -
Didaché: The Apostles’ Doctrine
Abstract views: 263 / PDF downloads: 96