The Development of the Trinity in H. Lietzmann’s History of the Church

Trinity, Messiah, Church, Saint Paul, Zeus, Efes (Ephesus)Abstract
Prof. Dr. Lietzmann’s book, ‘Early Church History,’ is a very important work that studies the first five centuries of the history of Christianity. The originality of this work comes from the fact that the author referenced various works from the early part of the first millenium that were written in Latin and Greek. In the second volume of this spectacular book, detailed information can be found about the Christian doctrine of the Trinity developed in the first two centuries. In this study explains that from its inception, the doctrine of the Trinity has developed through a series of continuous changes. There is no doubt that the letters of Saint Paul played a significant role in this development. The doctrine of the Trinity’s most important principles are believing in the oneness of God, that Jesus is His Son, and that the Holy Spirit exists. Although Jesus is considered to be God in the doctrine of the Trinity, according to H. Lietzmann, Jesus himself did not adopt this belief. Rather, he embraced the belief that he was a human being and the Messiah.
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