Training of Values Education Mentor: Sample of Balıkesir

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Values Education, Mentor, Trainer Education, Morality


The aim of this research, the Sule Yuksel Senler Imam Hatip High School and Sehit Omer Faruk Bol Imam Hatip Secondary School twelve teachers' values was to give “Educator Training” on education. In this project, the values were evaluated twice a month for a total of five months to be presented as ten values. The values to be presented in the project ‘love, respect, responsibility, justice, truth-honesty, tolerance, humility, patience and empathy’. Five teachers from each school were assigned to the students who are related to the values determined by the project manager and researchers in the project team. Psycho-pedagogical support was needed to make presentations. First of all, taking into account the methodological pre-test post-test approach, a questionnaire survey would be conducted to identify the difficulties they may encounter in the presentation of the specified values with open-ended questions. After analysis of the obtained data presentations to mentors; At the end of the determined research calendar, an open-ended questionnaire would be conducted to determine the relevant competency. And the end of the survey study, the “Respect” and “Responsibility” levels displayed a statistically meaningful difference. Based on this, the “Respect” and “Responsibility” levels of the teachers increased significantly at the end of the trainig, when compared to their pre-training levels.






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How to Cite

SAYIN, E., KOÇ, M. ., ÖNAL, R., & ABA, V. (2019). Training of Values Education Mentor: Sample of Balıkesir. Türk İslâm Medeniyeti Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 14(27), 63–82. Retrieved from