Movements of Modern Thought and Significance of Sufi Thought

Sufism, Narcissism, Humanism, Pragmatism, HedonismAbstract
In Sufism, the real love of man is his love towards his Lord. Sufi thought refuses the act of self-love, called narcissism, and anticipates being in love with the Lord. In this article, it is discussed that the thought systems envisaged by Sufism offer solutions to the deadlocks of thought movements such as humanism, pragmatism and hedonism. For example, man makes sense of his life with sincerity, which is sincerely connecting to his Lord, instead of the selfish and self-centred perspective imposed by humanism. Pragmatist understanding is also a success-oriented philosophy. In this context, Sufism is based on the understanding of altruism, which is to help people with self-sacrifice and to help people unconditionally by putting the welfare of their brother before their own interests, rather than the understanding of pragmatism based on personal benefit. The understanding of hedonism, which emphasizes the principle of 'enjoyment', is fed by human needs and desires. Sufism focuses on the understanding of contentment, which is ecstasy instead of hedonism, which aims at self and desire-centred pleasures. Thus, in this article, it has been concluded that mystical thought produces solutions to the problems in the currents of thought of the modern period.
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