Mystic and Pschological Effects of the Sense of Ecstasy

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Ecstasy, delirium, observation, love, self-realization and selftranscending, personality ıntegrity and self-discovery


Sufi culture establishes completeness between Allah, universe and man. Sufism is therefore the philosophy of love and completeness. Man, within the context of perfect human concept, is the greatest receptor of Allah and is a manifestation of divine names and titles. Sufism advocates that all beings, whether conscious or not, are each a reflection of the divine names and titles of Allah. A person who witnesses the reflections of the divine names and titles of Allah in universe and in beings will experience spiritual thrill, jubilation, tranquillity, divine love and inner peace. He will be overwhelmed with joy. This state of divine love, jubilation, peace and reaching the Creator is called ecstasy. True state of ecstasy is achieved by an advanced level of love towards Allah, strong will and fondness of Allah. Upon hearing his inner voice and turning towards Allah, man starts experiencing either a deep rooted relief or gloom. As a result, state of ecstasy removes man from his natural state and turns him towards forming completeness with the names and titles of Allah. Being the state of achieving the Creator through divine love, jubilation, excitement and peace, ecstasy has mystic and psychological effects. Through the state of ecstasy, man experiences delirium, observation and love. Man, at the same time, also starts bearing the traits of those who succeeded in self-realization, self-transcending, self-integrity and self-discovery.


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How to Cite

SAYIN , E. . (2021). Mystic and Pschological Effects of the Sense of Ecstasy. Türk İslâm Medeniyeti Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 16(31), 53–66. Retrieved from