Sufistic Therapy in Spiritual Consultancy
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Spiritual Consultancy, Sufistic Therapy, Self-Control, Piety, Steadfastness, Repentance, TrustAbstract
Man is a whole with his body and soul structure. Modern world has ignored man’s spiritual needs by prioritizing man’s physical needs. However, being able to live in peace and happiness depends on integrating with one’s own spiritual side. Modern culture has made people more individualized, self-centred, and consequently, lonelier, hence modern individuals find it difficult to achieve happiness and are seeking new experiences and beliefs. In recent years it has become popular to integrate a person into the society with his spiritual side and to provide Sufism-centred spiritual consultancy so that one can reach his inner essence. At the beginning, spiritual consultancy services were launched under the title of ‘spiritual assistance/care works’ and they targeted elderly and lonely people, were extended so that it could reach out to every member of the society. In this article, the opportunities of Sufistic therapy in spiritual counselling are investigated. The article will also be addressing the mystic, psychologic and therapeutic impact of Sufistic approach in spiritual consultancy. In this sense, the effects of self-control on attitude control, effects of piety on ego-control, effects of steadfastness on emotional disorder, effects of repentance on hope and awareness of self-renewal, and the effects of trust on love and hope will be reviewed.
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