Transformation of House Typology in Sivas from 1930s to 1960s and Modern Apartment Blocks

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Modern house, cubic formation, typology, Sivas


Modern house image is one of the modernization tools of the nation-state. While this tool reveals itself more powerful images in the capital Ankara, cities in the periphery are generally begun to experience modern house through houses of public economic enterprises. This text aims to make a documentation of modern houses, built between the 1930s-1960s in Sivas as a city in the periphery. The method consists of an indigenous typological and comparative analysis. The first phase is comprised of primary experiences on the transition from traditional houses to modern apartment blocks. In the second phase, it will be made a presentation on mass housing of State Railways and Cer Atelier in Sivas. This mass housing initiative is the starting point of modern house in Sivas with regard to the transformation of house typology. The final phase consists of an analysis of modern apartment blocks, built between the range of 1930-1960. Cubic formation and new typology of houses are revealed a rising demand for the modern house in the urban area although this occurs mostly in the manner of low rise, low density, and with a garden. Consequently, garden-city ideals and the first mass housing practice in Sivas proceed on the successive route of the capital Ankara. 


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How to Cite

KOÇ, P. ., & UYSAL , M. . (2021). Transformation of House Typology in Sivas from 1930s to 1960s and Modern Apartment Blocks . Türk İslâm Medeniyeti Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 16(32), 415–442.