The Assessment of The Housing Systems Built in Sivas Between 1950-1980 in the Context of Typological Variability

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Cooperative, house, modern architecture, Sivas


This study aims to reveal housing supply after 1950s in Sivas. Research method consists of a historiographic practice and an evaluation of house projects which acquired from Sivas Municipality Archive. First phase is comprised of an investigation on housing supply between the range of 1950-1970 and a general assessment from the point of Sivas İli Analitik Etüdleri, dated 1965. In the second phase, housing cooperatives after 1970 and other tendencies in housing supply in Sivas are analyzed. Shortly, cubic apartment blocks of early repuclican architecture was become widespread in Sivas until 1960s and after the 1960s this modernist aesthetic wasloosened. On the other hand, high-rise and mixedfunctional apartment blocks which afforded by high-income group were revealed. Middle class and low-income group in the same period were become a part of cooperative initiative and shanty houses. While apartments for families were continued to build in the city, high-rise and multi-blocks apartments were revealed after 1970as a consequence of partnership. In addition to partnership, apartments were also built by contracts between the employer and contractor. However, this period was best characterized through housing cooperatives. Besides, this diversified building sources of house crystallizes the role of designer actors of the period. Consequently, different housing supplies in urban space are shaped by different dynamics from the 1950s to 1980s. 


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How to Cite

KOÇ, P. . (2021). The Assessment of The Housing Systems Built in Sivas Between 1950-1980 in the Context of Typological Variability . Türk İslâm Medeniyeti Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 16(32), 361–386.