Efford for Unity in the Islamic World: Islamic Conference - Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and Turkey

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Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the issue of Jerusalem, the Islamic Union, Turkey, Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu


The second major structure that came after the United Nations in the world was the Organization of the Islamic Conference, which was established in 1969 and changed its name within the reform process since 2011 called Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). The number of member states rose from 25 in 1969 to 57 today.  The structure of the Middle East was altered by the collapse of the Ottoman Empire due to the political developments at the end of the 20th century. Some prominent Arab leaders, who were promised independence, were not given promises at the end of the war. The abolition of the Caliphate also affected Muslims. Within the framework of these developments, although the Islamic or Arab unity attempts were made on various platforms, the establishment of the State of Israel in Palestine and the expansion of its territory by exhibiting an expansionist policy have been the greatest motivation. It is seen that it has been operating in a wide variety of fields, from the establishment of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation until the present day, political, social, economic, cultural, etc.  But it has not been possible to achieve the desired success in the subjects determined in the foundation condition, in particular the Jerusalem issue. In this study, we will try to get a perspective to you the establishment of the organization, aims, functioning, the process of reform, the economic structure of the member countries, etc. We will also endeavor to reveal the location in the organization of Turkey.



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How to Cite

KOÇ, N. (2019). Efford for Unity in the Islamic World: Islamic Conference - Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) and Turkey. Türk İslâm Medeniyeti Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 14(28), 261–286. Retrieved from https://timad.com.tr/index.php/timad/article/view/46