Mystic Life in and Around Pirlevganda/Teşkent during the Ottoman Period, Lodges and Small Lodges

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  • Prof. Dr. Yusuf KÜÇÜKDAĞ
  • Ramazan DEMİRTAŞ


Pirlevganda, Konya, Ebu Said Muhammed Hadimî, Lodge, Small Lodges


Turks after being settled in Anatolia at 1071, expanded their dominance via
Turkiye Seljuk Empire. The district Pirlevganda/Taşkent where locates in city
Konya, the capital of this country and Karamanoglu Seigniory, joined Ottoman
Empire at 15th century. The sufist development in Pirlevganda District has been
started by migration of Ebu Said Muhammed Hadimî and his family and by the
madrasas established by them. Hadimi and his children had been effective on
spread of Nakşibendi order here by several lodges and mosques. According to
most prominent view, one lodge and nine small lodges were identified in
Pirlevganda District. At this point of view, it has been tried to enlighten sufist
life of the region.


Arşiv Kaynakları

Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü Arşivi Defteri,

no: 1133; no: 1144; no: 1075; no: 1143;

no: 1079-2; no: 1159; no: 1078; no: 1074; no: 538; no: 539; no: 542; no: 1078;

no: 2176; no: 2181.

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How to Cite

KÜÇÜKDAĞ, P. D. Y., & DEMİRTAŞ, R. (2015). Mystic Life in and Around Pirlevganda/Teşkent during the Ottoman Period, Lodges and Small Lodges. Türk İslâm Medeniyeti Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 10(19), 34–48. Retrieved from