Alı Gav Lodge, Foundations and Foundation Certificate-Charters in Konya

Bektashism, Lodge of Ali Gav, Zawiyah, Foundation CertificateCharter, KonyaAbstract
Until now, no archive document or epigraph which enlightens the date of construction of the Lodge of Ali Gav located in Konya city center is found.
Researches point that it is 12th-13th century Seljuk-made. Lodge of Ali Gav
belonged to the cult of Bektashi. It consisted of units as shrine, masjid, soup
kitchen and hazire (burial area reserved for special people especially in mosques
or Sufi lodges). The structure ruined at the beginning of 17th century, it was
renovated several times. Konya governor Ferit Pasha handed over this lodge
which was losing its function, to Hadim-born Mehmed Effendi who built a fourcell madrasah named “Mahmudiye” with the help of some benefactors and then
had arranged a money foundation on 13th of November, 1900. Despite with
some units standing still while in not good condition the lodge had reconstructed in 2013 as it was original by Konya Metropolitan Municipality. Since
the lodge of Ali Gav belonged to Bektashi Sufism, one Bektashi rooted person
was being assigned to its sheikdom. Yet there was no Bektashi in Konya, lodge was empty and sheiks assigned were working symbolically. After Bektashism
was prohibited in 1826, the lodge was handed over to Mevlevis.
I.Arşiv Belgeleri
Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü Arşivi (VAD) no.105,173, 553,603,948, 954, 2181, 4115.
Konya Şer’iye Sicilleri (KŞS)
no. 7, 19, 30, 33, 39, 43, 55, 58, 59, 60, 62, 68, 104,110, 133, 262.
Tapu Kadastro Genel Müdürlüğü Kuyud-ı Kadime Arşivi
Konya Vakıflar Bölge Müdürlüğü Arşivi
“Ali Gâv ve Mahmudiye Medresesi”, Dosya no. 173.
Konya Büyükşehir Belediyesi Arşivi
“Ali Gâv Tekkesi ve Medresesi Dosyası”, Dosya no.123.
387 Numaralı Muhâsebe-i Vilâyet-i Karaman ve Rûm Defteri, (937/1533), I, Ankara 1996
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