Some Evaluatıons on the Applıcatıon of the Travel Memorandum ın the Perıod of Mahmud II
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The memorandum of travel (passage), Sultan Mahmud II., Ottoman Empire, security of Istanbul, Greek revolt of 1821Abstract
The period of Mahmud II is known as the period in which some radical changes and practices, especially in the field of law, are experienced. One of them is the application of the travel memorandum (application of permission). The aim of this practice was mainly to prevent the Roum-Greek rebellion due to its relation with the Fener Greek Patriarchate and some Greek settlements, as well as to control the entrances and exits of Istanbul in order to protect Istanbul's security and socio-economic fabric. Sultan Mahmud II gave great importance to this practice. Several edicts regarding the reasons, applications, and some problems raised then were sent to those responsible, but they did not show the desired effect. In this study, some edicts submitted between November 1821 and February 1824 were analysed.
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