Modern Education Institutions in Safranbolu at the end of 19th Century

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Safranbolu, Ottoman, The End of 19’th Century, Modern Education


Ottoman Empire as in every field of education has experienced a transformation in XIX’th century. New education institution like ibtidai/primary school and ruşdiye/elemantary schools had established clasical education institution like Sıbyan School and madrasahs have carring on in this period. Also education council had established for carry on education regularly in this period. Elemantary/ibtiadi schools have giving education by modern method while sıbyan schools have giving education by old method. New education institution called rüşdiye which was on sıbyan schools had opened in this period. The number ibtidai schools which have giving education with new method had increased. Also new ibtidai schools for girl students had open in this period. Ruşdiye school had left a big mark in the life of education and cultural of Safranbolu. Government had given materials and teachers of this school’s need. Appropriations from the central budget are allocated to this school. An education council had created in Safranbolu like other settlements. The contribution of this council to the continuation of the educational work in Safranbolu has been great. Non- muslims who were living in Safanbolu had opened a ruşdiye school near their church school.Modern education institution like ibtidai and ruşdiye schools and education council which had open in Safranbolu had eveluated in this research by archival documents.






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How to Cite

TURHAN SARIKÖSE, S. (2019). Modern Education Institutions in Safranbolu at the end of 19th Century. Türk İslâm Medeniyeti Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 14(27), 183–198. Retrieved from