Reading the Houses through Turkish Films: Three Samples of the1980’s

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Housing, Interior, Furniture, Furnishing, User


Housing offers a confirmed space for individuals. In the sense of interior decoration design, housing is a kind of typology in which user’s profile and individual preferences are considered as primary determinants. The social status of the users in the residence and the differences of their everyday life can be represented more evident in these interior fittings. Hence, space becomes a tool to carry the information of users and the act. From this aspect, space as a concrete tool also enables a multidirectional communication with the cinema which reflects the social, cultural and economic changes of the society. The subject of the movie and its content commune with the space, therefore, the design of the space is formed to support the subject. The aim of this study is to analyze the space through motion pictures that convey the information of social life with an objective perspective. In addition, this study aims to determine the space, fittings and the use of fittings with respect to the social status of users.  The three films in 1980s in which Kemal Sunal, protagonist of the scripts that reflect society in many ways, performed are examined in this study. Apartment houses (real places) in films; the furnishing of the space, the function of the reinforcement / actions and the qualifications of the space were examined.



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How to Cite

BÜLBÜL BAHTİYAR, T., AYDIN, D., & YALDIZ, E. . (2019). Reading the Houses through Turkish Films: Three Samples of the1980’s. Türk İslâm Medeniyeti Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 14(28), 411–428. Retrieved from