Atatürk and Peace

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Atatürk, Peace, Home, World


Atatürk has always been in favor of peace in solution of problems he encountered. He wanted the peace not only for his country but also for the entire world. He expressed this view as ―Peace in home, peace on the world‖. He also tried to establish a peacefull environment during the National Struggle. He stated that the way to enable this was putting the enemy invasion to the end. But he had to war in order to gain independence for his country because the Allied Nations didn‘t give up invading it. Atatürk also made efforts to provide a permanent peace agreement following the victory. He sustained his peaceful policies after Lausenne Agreement signed by means of these efforts. He made good contacts with other countries, especially those surrounding Turkey and led to Balcan Agreement and Sadabat Agreement. He supported all peaceful efforts on the world and tried to prevent wars and took part in efforts to enable disarmament. He contributed to Turkey for it to be a member of United Nations founded to provide peace on the world.




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How to Cite

YAŞAR, D. D. S. (2016). Atatürk and Peace. Türk İslâm Medeniyeti Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 11(22), 61–84. Retrieved from