A View of Christianity in Taberi Interpretation

Holy Trinity, Baptist, Mary, John, BibleAbstract
The interpretation of Taberi, as being a rumbling interpretation, presents the way of understanding of the first generation of Muslims the verses of the Koran relating Christianity. So we prefer to present the view against the Christianity in that age in evaluating within the structure and content presenting by Taberi. The important aspect of Interpretation of Taberi is almost a source and model for all the next interpretation. In the Interpretation of Taberi, Christianity is not taken into consideration within the terms of Verses of the Koran. For this reason the Interpretations of Taberi is different from the Interpretation of Menar of Razi (1210) and Reşit Rıza. But Taberi deals with Christianity in his interpretation not in detail and only mentions about The Holy Bible, Baptist the John, The Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ and Holy Trinity.
Ebu Ca‘fer Muhammed b. Cerir et-Taberi, ―Câmi‟ul Beyan An Te‟vili Aye‟l-Kur‟an”, Mısır, 1954-1957.
el-Haşimi, Abdullah b. Ġsmail, 1880, ―Risale Ġlâ Abdi‟l-Mesih ibn Ġshak el-Kindi”,Londra.
Abdu‘l-Mecid Charfi, 1983, ―Le Christianisme dans le Tefsir de Taberi”, Fransızcaya çeviren: R.P. Robert Caspar, Ġnstitut Dominicain D‘Etudes Orientales du Caire (Mélange, 16) Beyrut.
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