Christianity in Interpretation of Menar

Muhammed Abduh, Reşit Rıza, distortion, Church, spiritual, authority, trinityAbstract
This study featuring “Christianity in the Interpretation of Menar”, consists the analyze of graduate thesis prepared by Henri Coudray and his advisory Prof.Dr.Ali Merad in the Faculty of Letters and Faculty Of Social Science in the University of Lyon. The Interpretation of Menar reflects Muhammed Abduh and Reşit Rıza‟s points of view. The first five volume of this interpretation consisting twelve volumes reflects the views of Muhammed Abduh. This consists of the chapter until 126th verse in Sura of Nisa. And the rest seven volumes reflect the views of Reşit Rıza. And this consist the chapter until 52nd verse of Sura of Yusuf. From this respect the Interpretation of Menar is not a complete interpretation of Koran. In this study titled “Christianity in the Interpretation of Menar” Henri Coudray classifies the views of Reşit Rıza in three chapters: the character of Jesus Christ in first chapter, the methodology of taking into consideration of this problem and the problem of distortion in the second chapter, the Church and the problem of spiritual authority in the third chapter.
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