Presentation of “Obstacles-Problems to Turkey’ Membership in European Union” in Turkish Press (1995 – 2005)

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European Union, Press, EU Obstacles, EU Problems


Registration date of Turkey in EU for associate member is 1959. Turkey registered for full membership in 1987. It has been 30 years since registration for full membership. For other countries, the duration between registration in EU for full membership and permission varies between 3 and 14 years. Biding of Turkey for 30 years still continues as of the date of 2017. The most significant issue of all issues between Turkey and EU that has the value of news in Turkish press must the issue of “obstacles-problems”. As a matter of fact, there is the serious problem of “unaccomplishment of membership” that has not been


experienced in any other country. Then, how does Turkish press present this issue about European Union to the readers? Can the press convey the issue both quantitatively in the sense of space in the columns; and adequately, balanced, satisfyingly; in short in a way that would form a healthy public opinion in the sense of content? In order to inform the public and then create a full awareness in public, the evaluation of the media about this subject quantitatively and qualitatively is very important. Therefore it is necessary to determine how this subject takes place in media in means of numerical data and also determine by speech analysis how the subject is submitted to the public.


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How to Cite

ÖZKAN, Y. D. D. Özgehan. (2017). Presentation of “Obstacles-Problems to Turkey’ Membership in European Union” in Turkish Press (1995 – 2005). Türk İslâm Medeniyeti Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 12(23), 121–139. Retrieved from