The Transformation of Traditional Values in the Turkish Society through the Pop Culture

Popular Culture, Globalism, Values, MediaAbstract
Every new invention in the history of communication marks a milestone. The invention of writing, paper, electricity as well as the invention of printing press, telephone, radio and television in the subsequent period set a landmark in the history, not only in terms of the history of communication, but also for the history of mankind. The realization of each means of communication also stimulates some novelties and transformations in the social structure, depending on the characteristic of the respective means of communication. It is obvious that the last landmark in the history of communication is the invention of the internet and its usage at a global scale. The internet has accelerated the existing process of the globalization, and, besides that, has served and still serves today to come new values into the existence, in particular through items of the pop culture spread via social media channels.Within the scope of this study, an analysis on the contents in the social media related to the pop culture as well as the redefinition of both some specific values of the Turkish society and some universal values via the social media will be carried out.
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