Hobby Gardens in Konya City Centre

Hobby garden, recreation, Konya, Karatay, MeramAbstract
Recreation is the activities that people attend with the aim of playing games, going on cultural trips, dealing with some hobbies, having fun and doing sports in their free times. There are a number of fields where people can attend these activities. One of these fields is the hobby gardens which have been built at the rural areas of the cities in many parts of the world and especially in European countries and they have also become more and more popular in Turkey in recent times. Hobby garden is the application of dividing up large land areas by private and public enterprises and then renting them to people for a period of time. The aim of the study is to examine the hobby gardens built in the different points of the city by the municipalities of Konya, Meram, Karatay, which is an example of the recreation areas that are in great demand in recent years. The total number of hobby garden parcels founded in Konya is 3500. Technical information about this issue was taken from the management of park and gardens of these municipalities. Then, common resting areas, gardens and bowers in the study area were examined and their photographs were taken. Konya hobby gardens were examined within the geographical method by using the data obtained from literature and hobby gardens.
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