Population Geography of the District of Çumra

Konya, Çumra, population, population geographyAbstract
Çumra, the district of Konya province, has a border with the districts of Karatay in the north, Karapınar in the east, Akören and Meram in the west, Bozkır in the southwest, Güneysınır in the south, and the province of Karaman in the southeast. Çumra and its surroundings have been a settlement place since 7000 BC. Because the easy processing of smooth and wide alluvial lands in Çumra and its surroundings and the abundance of products from these lands have made this area the living space of different human groups throughout history. After the prehistoric period Çumra was in the order of Hittites, Phrygians, Lydians, Persians, Romans, Seljuks, Karamanids and Ottomans. In this study population development and some demographic characteristics of the district of Çumra will be examined. Digital data obtained from various institutions, especially from Turkish Statistical Institute were visualized by transforming them into tables and graphics and then they were interpreted in terms of geographical point of view. By the date of 31st December 2016, 65.836 people, 32.847 of whom are male (49.9%) and 32.989 of whom are female (50.1%), live in the center of Çumra and its neighborhoods.
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