An Example of a Wrong Investment in the Ottoman: Beykoz Paper Factory and the Report of Engineer Robert Schmith

Beykoz, paper factory, Robert Schmidt, reportAbstract
The Ottoman state met an important part of its paper requirement from abroad since the early times. However, in the following process, a number of enterprises were realized in the field of domestic production. Most of these attempts failed due to various reasons and factories were closed. One of them is factory of the paper in Beykoz, which was established during the reign of II. Abdülhamit. The factory was founded in 1893 as a private enterprise. However, it was closed after operating for a short time. The factory was seized by the state against the accumulated taxes. In the report of Engineer Robert Schmidt, who was brought for the restoration of the factory in 1915, it is stated that the main reason for the closure of the factory was the mistakes made during the establishment process of the factory. In this study, within the framework of the report and other archive documents submitted by Engineer Robert Schmidt to the Ottoman authorities, the mistakes in the establishment of the factory and the measures to be taken to reopen the Beykoz Paper Factory and the liquidation process of the factory was discussed.
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