Herbal Compositions with Biaxial Infinite Character in Anatolian Seljuk Art

Anatolian Seljuk, border, herbal ornament, geometric decorationAbstract
Decorations in Anatolian Seljuk art have been analyzed under the headings of geometric, herbal, figurative and writing. Geometric ornaments that were used extensively from the late 12th century to the first half of the 13th century reveal itself with a certain level of development even in the early Seljuk structures. Towards the end of the 13th century, the structures were mostly decorated with herbal compositions. The herbal ornaments that were previously seen on small borders were gradually used on the whole surface of the portal. Limited compositions and uniaxial infinite character compositions constitute the vast majority of herbal compositions that can reach hundreds of different forms. Very few of the biaxial endless characters of herbal compositions, which have become widespread even in the main borders over time, are found in the Anatolian Seljuk art. This can be interpreted as the development of herbal decoration in Anatolian Seljuk art could not be completed as much as geometric decoration and it can also be said that this is due to the short duration of the intensive use of herbal compositions. The aim of this study was to determine the biaxial herbal compositions with infinite character whose numbers are quite few, in Anatolian Seljuk structures and investigate the properties of them.
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