The First Theorıst of the Concept of Protectionist Policy in Turkish Economic Thought: Ahmet Mithat Efendi

Ahmet Mithat, Ekonomi Politik, protectionist policy, economicsAbstract
Ahmet Mithat Efendi, one of the most prolific and versatile writers of the Tanzimat Era, devotes a portion of his theoretical works to the field of economic theory. Despite his keen interest in the field notably since 1870, among his neglected works, one entitled “Ekonomi Politik” is of particular importance owing to its proposition of protectionist policy. This is the first time we come across a work illustrating theoretical support for the protectionist policy which is endorsed in our country since the years of World War I. In this regard, it is possible to consider Ahmet Mithat as the first theorist of protectionist policy in our history of economics. In this study, firstly, the conditions under which the writer’s proposition of protectionist policy as a distinct economic policy came to fruition will be delineated, and then with reference to his work “Ekonomi Politik”, the principle of protectionist policy will be presented in detail. After thoroughly discussing the factors which prompted the writer to theorize and advocate protectionist policy, Ahmet Mithat’s place in Turkish economic thought will be determined.
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