Significance of Hebrew in Judaism as A Language of Liturgy

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Judaism, Hebrew, Language of Liturgy, Torah, SaSacred and Religious Values


Hebrew is a very significant place in Judaism. According to Jews, Hebrew is the language of liturgy of Judaism, and devotion to the Hebrew language is one of the pillars of Jewish life, because throughout history the Jewish nation faced many exiles and despite these negative circumstances the Hebrew language has enabled them to survive. In this work, we will try to examine what Hebrew means in terms of modern-day Jewish denominations (Reform Judaism, Orthodox Judaism, and Conservative Judaism). In doing so, we shall first touch upon the classical point of view of the Orthodox Jews who regard themselves as the representative of Rabbinic (classical) Judaism. Then we will try to discuss what Hebrew means in terms of Reform Judaism and then Conservative Judaism, who debate between themselves. Because of all these aspects, regardless of which group, Hebrew has a great value for the Jews. This is why especially religious Jews teach their children the language of Hebrew at a very early age and try to help them memorize the Torah. This shows us the significance of the Hebrew language, which is the language of liturgy and therefore considered sacred for the Jews.  





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How to Cite

BAŞARAN, İsmail. (2019). Significance of Hebrew in Judaism as A Language of Liturgy. Türk İslâm Medeniyeti Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 14(27), 227–235. Retrieved from