Some Considerations About The Umayyad Caliph Velid b. Yezid And His Caliphate

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History of Islam, Umayyads, Velid b. Yezid, Hisham b. Abdulmelik, Clan


The Umayyad dynasty, which had to deal with opposition movements from the time it was established, has also faced domestic disputes in recent times. In the recent periods of the Umayyads, Velid b. Yezid who came to govern after Hisham b. Abdulmelik was killed by his opponents after a failed administration due to his negative personality and false politics. Because, his indulgence of alcohol and entertainment and hostile politics of uncle’s sons and the murder of people who are in society like Hâlid al-Kasri and Yahya b. Zeyd is an important cause of such negativity. Some Umayyad caliphs have been highly regarded by historians and their periods have been elaborated in detail, while others have not been attracted as well as competence and limited in their rights. Velîd b. Yezîd is also among them. A good understanding of Velid b. Yezid’s time will also contribute to the healthier evaluation of the Umayyads. Because, This period, despite its short duration, has left long traces and played an important role in the collapse of the state.  In this article, it is will be tried to be clarified the sources of information about Ibrahim and clarify some issues that have been closed and debated.



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How to Cite

YÜKSEL, M. (2019). Some Considerations About The Umayyad Caliph Velid b. Yezid And His Caliphate. Türk İslâm Medeniyeti Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 14(27), 207–226. Retrieved from