Religious Officials appointed by the Prophet

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Prophet Muhammed, employment, assignment, religion


In the first period of Islam, Hz. The duties performed by the religious officials appointed by the Prophet formed the basis of all religious services today. Religious officials appointed by the Messenger of Allah; They fulfilled their duties in many fields such as being an imam, a muezzin, a teacher and a judge, under the guidance of a prophet and conscious of the holiness of their work. Hz. The Prophet called one of the scribes of revelation immediately after the verses and dictated them. Revelation scribes performed an important task in the writing process of the Quran. With his teachers, the Prophet trained people from a society in the age of Jahiliyya to be teachers and guides to all humanity. The Companions, who studied science in a corner of the Masjid an-Nabawi, became the most important messengers of the religion of Islam. In the early periods of Islam, we see that political (ruler) and religious leadership (imam) duties were performed together. While the Imams were in the duty of leading the congregation in prayer with religious terminology, they also assumed the position of head of state with political terminology. Ezan (call to prayer) has been the method of the religion of Islam to invite Muslims to worship. Muezzins have been given the task of announcing the tawhid and prophethood in its content to people with a beautiful voice in order to invite them to prayer. For legal disagreements between people, clerks who can analyze according to Shari (ah) have been appointed. We can say that at the stage of establishing the understanding of society, state and civilization of Islam, religious officials performed important duties. 


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How to Cite

ŞAHİN , N. . (2021). Religious Officials appointed by the Prophet . Türk İslâm Medeniyeti Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 16(31), 137–166. Retrieved from