Features of Herbal Motifs in Patterns of Workshop Type Sivas Carpets after 19th Century

Sivas Carpet, Herbal Motif, Pattern, Protection of culturalassetsAbstract
The motifs that make up the decorations have various meanings according to the period person and purpose. Many floral motifs, especially flowers, appear to be used in all kinds of works of art to reflect the beauty of human psyche. One of the most used Turkish handicrafts of herbal motifs is carpet. Sivas is one of the cities that good quality hand-woven carpets are woven traditionally. Hand-woven carpets are woven in Sivas in two groups, traditional and work shop type. In this work, which is done for protection and renewal of Sivas carpets and designs, 50 pieces of Sivas carpets designs taken from pattern store in Sivas Semi-open Prison and Penal Institution were examined. After the pattern pages were scanned. They were rearranged with Boria carpet designer soft ware and transformed in to weavable patterns. The characteristics of the most used plant motifs in the designs are determined and their meanings are explained. Herbals motifs were used in 80% of the designs examined. It is concluded that most used herbals motifs are life tree, rumî, şeşberk, leaf, hatayi, goncagül, penç, the fruit motifs such pine apple and pomegranate are least used motifs in 24 different herbal motifs in total on Sivas workshop type carpets.
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