The Mosques in Finike According to the Hurufat Registers (XVIth -XIXth Centuries)

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Antalya, Finike, Hurufat Registers , Waqf Structures


There are important information about foundations and foundation institutions in the Hurufat registers. This allows us to access information about existing buildings as well as structures that do not have a foundation and have been destroyed by destruction over time. In addition, the foundation managers, especially; mosque, madrasa, school, masjid, muallimhane and lodges have been recorded on the basis of districts in the appointment of people who work in institutions such as the basis of district. The assignments in the documents not only allow the identification of districts and centers, but also the foundation structure located in the villages and road routes. Detailed information such as the names and fees of the duty holders, as well as how their appointments took place, the reasons for their appointments and dismissals, are also included in the books. In this context, the books in question reflect the religious life, educational institutions and the economic situation of the regions to which they belong, as well as the wages of officials. In the book of 19 hurufat belonging to Finike, which is located in the VGMA; district XVIIth from the end of the XIXth century. There are assignments for mosques that continue until the middle of the century. From the Hurufat registers, information about the mosques, which are one of the religious buildings of the Finike district, belonging to the period of about two centuries can be reached.


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Vakıflar Genel Müdürlüğü Arşivi (VGMA), Hurufat Defterleri (HD).

VGMA, HD, 544

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How to Cite

Balkaya, A. (2023). The Mosques in Finike According to the Hurufat Registers (XVIth -XIXth Centuries). Türk İslâm Medeniyeti Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 18(36), 287–306.