Şanlıurfa Ulu Cami Graveyard Poems in Grave Stones

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  • Hikmet ATİK Necmettin Erbakan Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi, Türk İslâm Edebiyatı Anabilim Dalı


Grave, poem, literatüre, The Ulu Mosque, Sanliurfa


Throughout history, every society has different religious beliefs. These beliefs have very important effects on that society. Dead burial and burial tradition are the rituals of these beliefs. With the acceptance of the Islam of the Turks, the dead burial and the tomb tradition have progressed to the present day with very important stages. Cemeteries and tombstones belonging to the Ottoman era have attracted the interest of researchers both the artistic direction and the architectural style, as well as carrying a title character for Anatolia. The inscriptions on these grave stones have been the subject of art and aesthetics both in terms of their writing and in their construction. The very fine stone workmanship they have, the titles in different forms, the literary expressions they carry, the poems which are important for Divan Literature and the beautiful examples of the writing art make these stones very valuable. Sanliurfa, which produced a poet like Nabi in the field of Turkish Literature, grew many poets such as Abdi, Şevket, Mihri and Kıratoğlu Emîn, who had poetry not so strong but poetically enough to form a religious order. The poems taken by these poets are processed into tombstones. In this article, we will try to prepare these poems, which are thought to be valuable for Divan literature, to be used for contemporary researchers.


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How to Cite

ATİK, H. (2018). Şanlıurfa Ulu Cami Graveyard Poems in Grave Stones. Türk İslâm Medeniyeti Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 13(26), 107–132. Retrieved from https://timad.com.tr/index.php/timad/article/view/22