A Historical Mapping Project: Three Madrasas and Their Intellectual Paths

Architecture, Design, History, SivasAbstract
Local cultures have local architectural practices. This shows that building process happens together with learning. All these change not by means of evolution but via exported order and actors. This signals hybridisation of the innovations' transmission and range. These varieties may emerge as a result of a coincidence or regional positioning along the lines where new patterns were transferred. Such a coincidence takes place at an intersection between the architecture where nothing can be accepted as a gospel and a historical concept which is irreversible in the 13th century in Sivas. This coincidence represents not only architecture but also ambition, competition, financial resources and opportunities on the point where monumentality reached. Indeed, narratives which include the degree aiming at contributing ideological entities of Burucuverdi, Cüveyni and Sahip Ata Fahrettin Ali, covers decoration scale within the scope of single structures or comparative studies. This study aims at presenting a new narrative through coinciding a theoretic approach to a sample field presentatiton on the basis of the changing conceptions of architecture and history. In this context, Buruciye Madrasa, Çifte Minareli Madrasa and Gökmedrese will be examined as an example of cultural hybridisation on the basis of limits of localness, patrons' desires and monumentality threshold within the scope of microhistory.
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