Population Characteristics of Urfa According to the Census Results Made in 1927
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Population, Urfa, Statistics, Republic, Ottoman EmpireAbstract
The goal of this research is to investigate the first population census done in Republic of Turkey, in 1927, especially over Urfa. During the census, enumerators asked questions, which prepared by Central Statistics Office to citizens for the first time. Herein, it is possible to distinguish this census from others with its remarkable and interesting features. The reason why enumerators asked questions is to determine the structure of population. In the light of learned information, newly founded Republic of Turkey tried to accelerate the construction of nation-state and prepare facilities for political/social policies. Statistical information that created according to the answers of these questions serves for the study.
Urfa, as main working area, was known significance trade and culture during the time of Ottoman Empire. A document, issued in 13th century, stated that population was 35 thousand. Furthermore, population was 45 thousand in 1831, when the first census was done by Ottoman Empire. The census held in 1927 indicated that, the number of young population was higher compare to other cities, so that means the city can contribute power to work. In addition, the census in 1927 showed that Urfa has been an inheritor of the Islamic tradition.
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