An Essay on the Classification of Muqarnas: Geometric Foundations Based on Application in Practice

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Muqarnas, Islamic Art and Architecture, Geometric Pattern, Islamic Ornament


The main objective of this paper is to introduce a new approach to analyzing muqarnas units. Although there are many studies in this area, most of them are not comprehensive and treat the subject from a narrow perspective. The basic approach consists of using al-Kashi’s work as a point of reference. But, since examples of units of the muqarnas technique are many and varied, a new approach needs to be developed to define them. This article consists of three sections. The first covers etymological discussions in the field; the second explains the methods that have been used to analyze muqarnas units. Finally, the third section will present a way of classifying muqarnas units on geometric foundations. It is believed that this article will contribute to the field by creating a way of classifying muqarnas units in historical context and adding a new perspective to the debates in this field over their origins.


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How to Cite

KILIÇOĞLU, S. . (2022). An Essay on the Classification of Muqarnas: Geometric Foundations Based on Application in Practice. Türk İslâm Medeniyeti Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 17(34), 331–347.