Pilgrimage in the Works of Gubârî
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Classical Literature, Gubârî, Menâsikü’l-Hac, Ka’be-nâmeAbstract
In the mid-10th century, the acceptation of Islam Religion by the Turks caused the assimilation of a new flow of idea. As a result of the Verses ordering Pilgrimage, one of the five pillars of Islam, and the Hadiths of Prophet Mohammed advising Pilgrimage and travel, Turks had the strong feeling of performing the Pilgrimage. Also this feeling had reflections on our literature. Thus, the travel-book literature explaining the Pilgrimage travel has been used by the poets in the 13th century. Within the scope of this literature flow, a new type of literature named as Menâsikü’l-Hac handling the Pilgrimage Rules has been formed. In these works, we read the visits to Mecca where Islam was born and the explanations on Pilgrimage and Kaaba motifs by the quotations and abbreviations from Verses and Hadiths by our poets who has gone there to perform their Pilgrimage. The objective of this study is to narrate the Pilgrimage by the aid of the works of Gubârî, the famous poet of 16th century. Additionally, it was emphasized that the poet has provided contributions to our people to assimilate the Pilgrimage better since the poet explained the point of origin of the worships during the Pilgrimage in the light of Verses of Quran and Hadiths by using literary arts.
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