Factors that Affect the Mind and Action

Mind, Reasoning, Action, ResponsibilityAbstract
Humans were created as social beings. While human beings have some common physical aspects with other living organisms, they have varying and superior capabilities over others in terms of speaking, thinking and having ideas and discernment. Due to having these capabilities such as being selective, having vision, making comparisons, being free and claiming rights, human beings make their lives meaningful and know their acts have consequences. The great creator has not left human beings to their own devices for they were created with a limited mind. They have been sent down prophets and holy books so as to lead them towards the right path and inform them about their duties and responsibilities. Notwithstanding that the human mind is under the influence of various internal and external stimuli that have physical, religious, secular, beneficial, and harmful roots. Human beings have free will and can therefore make decisions that impact their lives and they can receive feedback accordingly.In this article we have discussed the human mind under the following headings; a)definition, value, functions and limits of human mind, b) factors influencing the human mind, c) actions, responsibilities and results.
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