The Ontological Comparison of the Approaches Related to Sufism, Mysticism and Spiritualism

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Sufism, Spiritualism, Mysticism, Ontological, Divine Love


Sufism is being described as the spiritual side of Islam. In fact, Sufism is the method to purify man from bad habits and to ripen the soul. In this sense, Sufism is to leave behind everything that moves man away from Allah. Hence, Sufism is the essence of the prophets’ doctrine. Spiritualism covers all religious, spiritual and nonmaterial subjects; in a narrower sense, it is a religious concept. The religious meaning of spiritualism can be associated with spiritual aspects such as the afterlife or eternity. In short, spiritualism does not only indicate someone who experiencing religious elements in a spiritual way. Spiritualism is also realizing the nonmaterial, beyond material and spiritual reality. Mysticism on the other hand, is the name of the concept expressing the mystic aspects of beliefs and religions. “It can be said that Sufism is Islamic mysticism. However, Sufism is a unique term to Islam and with certain aspects, it separates form the mystic understandings of other religions


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How to Cite

SAYIN, Y. D. D. E. (2016). The Ontological Comparison of the Approaches Related to Sufism, Mysticism and Spiritualism. Türk İslâm Medeniyeti Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 11(21), 2016–21. Retrieved from