World Peace and Religious

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Tolerance, World Peace, Religions, Religious Representatives


All kinds of oppression in the name religion is banned according to the sacred books of Judaism, Christianity, İslâm, India- and China- rooted religions. None of these religions allow religious terrorism. The basic thought of all of the religions includes respect to humans and veneration to life. For this purpose, every religion must focus on disciplining coreligionists. The boundless tolerance of the religions, the unity and cooperation should expand to the whole world. After then the common peace which the humanity expects will be realized and the ideal of living in ampleness and tranquility will be reached. In the process of building this kind of world, each member and representative of each religion has a task. This task is spreading the word of peace and tranquility to the wbole humanity and never give up against the difficulties.


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How to Cite

Aydın, P. D. M. . (2017). World Peace and Religious. Türk İslâm Medeniyeti Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 12(23), 9–18. Retrieved from