Adana Commodity Exchange Market from Ottomans until the Republic (1913-1930)

Adana, Commodity Exchange, Cotton, EconomyAbstract
Institutions with a public legal personality are called stock exchanges, where is made the price determination of the goods to be purchased and sold, where there are intermediaries for the buyers and the sellers, where trading is being done within the framework of certain rules and where certain sanctions are being imposed against those who do not comply with these rules. The first stock exchange in the World commenced its operations in Lyon in the year of 1530. The stock exchange in the Ottomans commenced its operations with the General Regulations of Stock Exchange dated 1886. The demands of cotton coming from Europe since the middle of the XIX century raised the interest in the Cukurova cotton. The Cukurova cotton producers, who were unaware of the world cotton markets, most of the time sold their products cheaper than the World markets. The Itıdal Newspaper began to create a public opinion towards establishing a stock exchange in the city Adana in the year 1909. After getting a permission for establishing a stock exchange in 1913 within the scope of the Adana Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the Commodity Exchange of Adana took its place in the business life with a magnificent opening ceremony. In this study will be discussed the activities of the Commodity Exchange of Adana, which started its operation in the year 1913, until the 1930’s, the stock market managers, how the stock market carried out its inspection and enforcement activities and which criteria have been applied in the cotton trade. In the literature reviewed, there was not found any independent study on the Adana Commodity Exchange, which is an important institution in the economic history of Adana. The introduction books and annuals on the Adana Commodity Exchange of Süleyman Sergici, who served as the General Clerk of the Adana Commodity Exchange for many years, constitute the main source of this study.
Adana Ticaret Gazetesi (01 Temmuz 1934). S.74.
İtidal (24 Şubat 1324). S.24.
İtidal (25 Nisan 1325). S.38.
Adana Vilayet Salnamesi, (1309).
Adana Vilayet Salnamesi (1319).
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