Restoration of Gaziantep American Hospital

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Gaziantep, American Hospital, missionary, restoration


Health services given by Americans in Gaziantep started in 1847 when a doctor named Azariah Smith (1817-51) came to Gaziantep and settled there. Dr. Smith set up a hospital in the hill called Oksuruk Deligi and tried to generate solutions for health problems in order to be beneficial to the local people. When Dr. Smith died in 1851, it was envisaged that a hospital would be established in his name in his memory. The American hospital, which served for many years in the city, lost its function in the war years. The hospital complex, which was renovated in 2003 as a result of extensive renovation and restoration works, continues to provide health services to the people of Gaziantep today. Dating back to the middle of the 19th century, Gaziantep American Hospital with its original documents and photographs, restoration and renovation reports along with its architectural projects and the fact that it has been included in this article, will enable the historical aspects of an unknown Anatolian city hospital in the history of architecture.


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İnternet erişimleri (25 Kasım 2018) :

URL 1 MMT Amerikan Hastanesi Tarihçesi,

URL 2 İstanbul Amerikan Hastanesinin web sayfası

URL 3 Sağlık ve Eğitim Vakfı SEV 1968

URL 4 Amerikan Yönetim Kurulu Arşivi




How to Cite

UZUN, T. ., & AYGÜN, G. (2019). Restoration of Gaziantep American Hospital. Türk İslâm Medeniyeti Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 14(28), 387–410. Retrieved from