Deformation of the Houses in Synasos/Mustafapasa

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Cappadocia, Synasos, Mustafapaşa, cultural heritage, the houses, conservation, deformation


Synasos is a settlement, part of Cappadocia region, which referred as Mustafapaşa today; and had been an important place for the Rums throughout the history, with its natural and cultural heritage, and maintained its importance until the population exchange. The houses are the main objects of the architectural texture, which protect the homogeneous structure, and making the area suitable for the locality approach of today. Some of these structures are desolated and dilapidated. Some of them continue their authentic functions where some structures’ functions are changed. The social development in time is the reason of the increase expectation of the places and this caused some changes on the houses. The aim of this work is to attend reasons of deformation and the variations of Synasos houses, which have their authentic functions or the changed ones and also to attend threats of conservation the cultural heritage. This work, gives general information about the historical process of Synasos/Mustafapaşa, and also tries to give the details about architectural features of the houses together with deformations and changes in both structural and spatial aspects.



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How to Cite

YILDIRIM GÖNÜL, B., & DEMİRKOL, R. S. (2019). Deformation of the Houses in Synasos/Mustafapasa. Türk İslâm Medeniyeti Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 14(28), 371–386. Retrieved from