The Relationships between Ayyubis and Almohads in the Late 12th Century
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Ayyubis, the Battle of Hattin, the Crusades, the State of the AlmohadsAbstract
With his triumph in the Battle of Hattin in 1187, Salahaddin Ayyubî abolished the Kingdom of Jerusalem and took back Jerusalem, which had been ruled by the Christians for 88 years. After Muslims removed Christians out of the cities and castles in Jerusalem and the region, the Christian world, led by the Pope, launched the third Crusade. Salahaddin Ayyubî sought remedies to cope with the Crusaders during this period when he was being overwhelmed by the new Crusade. In this sense, he sent letters to the surrounding Muslim rulers, especially to Baghdad, where the Abbasid caliphate resided and asked for assistance. When these demands for help were not met, he sent delegations to the western neighbor Almohads to demand supports of sea power. Although the Almohad caliphate received these delegates very well, he failed to provide the support demanded by Saladin Ayyubi. In the present study we discuss his request of support from the Almohads and the reasons why the requests were turned down.
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