Reflection of The Traditional Arts and Folkloric Elements to Western-Style Turkish Painting

Turkish painting, westernization, local painting, folkloreAbstract
A benefit from western style and culture in recent period Ottoman Empire
reform movements has also been an impact on the art so that Turkish Art in the
traditional style has begun to enter a process so-called westernization. In this
process expediting with the opening of Western-style institutions, Turkish
painters have begun getting into an identity seek, after the first steps starting
with imitating the western senses of art. While Western-style trends in the area
of art continue since 1933, the inspirations from traditional Anatolian art and
folklore have begun to be seen in the pictures. Turkish painters, who take
inspiration from a rich Anatolian culture and its environmental beauty, have set
out to deal with the cross-sections from folk life in their studies. As a result of
literature search, it was come to the following conclusions in this study tha texamines usage of Anatolian culture and folkloric elements in modern painting: The weakening of the Ottoman Empire brought about a westernization that is also reflected in the area of art. After the initial period at which the western painting was imitated, painters have begun to benefit from Anatolian culture
and folkloric elements. This benefit has been so as to be placed the traditional
motifs on the western painting and to be reinterpreted the traditional arts.
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