An Analysis of a Turkish Manuscript on the Story of the Seven Sleepers: “Kıssa-i Ashâb-ı Kehfi Beyân”

The Seven Sleepers, Dakyânûs, Efesus, Yemlîha, the CaveAbstract
It is well-known to all of us that, many works have been composed on the story
of the Seven Sleepers. Amongst such works, there are some manuscripts which
particularly attract our attention. Thus, the title of the manuscript that I shall
examine in this article is the same as the italicized part of the title of this article
above. This manuscript is one of the few manuscripts existing in the archives of
the National Library in Ankara that are dedicated to a discussion of the story of
the Seven Sleepers. A cursory look at this manuscript shows that, though this
manuscript contains some common themes of the story that occur in other
manuscript tracts written on the same subject, it is certain that calling attention
to different details in some points shall contribute to a more accurate assessment
of the story. One of the points in which we can describe this manuscript as
differing from the rest is that the story takes place in the city of Efesus and that
there are some interesting events in the biography of the King Dakyânûs, ruler
of the period in which the Seven Sleepers lived. In addition, a glance at the
events narrated in the manuscript tract shows a chronological break in the
course of the events.
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