An Architectural Examination and Evaluation of Birecik Grand Mosque

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  • Mustafa GÜLER Harran Üniversitesi Güzel Sanatlar Fakültesi Mimarlık Bölümü


Urfa, Birecik, Grand Mosque, Malik Ashraf Shaban


Birecik Grand Mosque is located in Birecik county of Urfa province. In its original state (up to the time when the coastal road was constructed), the building was on the edge of Euphrates River. Today, it is away from the river since it lacked behind the coastal road. Although Birecik Grand Mosque has neither construction nor the constructor epitaph today, it can be said that it was built by the Mameluke Sultan Malik Ashraf Shaban in 766 H. / 1364-65 A.D. Architecturally, Birecik Grand Mosque consists of a sanctuary, last congregational hall and a quad. Sanctuary consists of four horizontal naves parallel to mihrab and in the middle of the first nave takes place the frontal mihrab unit. On the northern sphere of the sanctuary, last congregational hall and the quad of the building is situated.


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How to Cite

GÜLER, M. . (2018). An Architectural Examination and Evaluation of Birecik Grand Mosque. Türk İslâm Medeniyeti Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 13(26), 189–220. Retrieved from