The Historical Settlements in Karaman Around

Karaman, Canhasan, Taşkale, Değle, BinbirkiliseAbstract
The aim of this study is to examine the features of the historical settlements that have an impact upon establishment and development of settlements in Karaman around. These population centres are significantly alternative tourism elements that would be seized on tourism field in Karaman and around with their numerous historical artefacts and cultural heritages belonging to different cultures. Those elements today, however, are not seized sufficiently in tourism sense additionally have been gradually being devastated by both people and natural conditions. Karaman around has been important residential area for 10.000 years. In prehistoric period, tumulus established around Pleistocene Konya Lake was the first sites of the area. The preparation of the study was started with literature review. Then features of the historical settlements, site selections of establishment, historical entities and cultural places in the settlement were researched in the place. Information obtained from the field and the literature was supported with photos, and those historical settlement sites were assessed within the scope of settlement geography methodology.
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