The Morphological Analysis of the Last Period of Konya Mosque

Mosque Architecture, Konya Mosques, Morphology, OrderAbstract
The samples of one and half domed mosques with square plan, which were brought to the highest level depending on morphology in 16th century by Mimar Sinan, continued to be built in our country as repetition/like in 20th century. However in architecture environment it is argued against doing the repetition of magnificent mosque examples, which left their traces to one period, by emulating to them and perceiving this attitude as an obligation. In this study, the examples of mosques which are thought to have an architectural search different from these types of applications in Konya City center are exemplified and their spatial and morphological readings are done without good-bad/positive-negative evaluations. As a result, it can be said that the mosques with different façade and top cover quality have traces of classical mosques from the point of plan and interior space decoration and the plain interpretations are few despite of morphological searches.
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