Nature Love at Ataturk

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  • Selman YAŞAR Batman Üniversitesi Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Tarih Bölümü


Atatürk, Love of Nature, Nature, Flower, Forest


Ataturk, who won the independence of the Turkish Nation by winning the National Struggle, struggled to build the Republic of Turkey, which he founded after the war, on solid foundations. Soldiers, statesmen, educators, reformers, leaders and so on Atatürk, who had many qualities, was also a wealthy person with a sense of emotion. Atatürk, who has a great love for nature, is very fond of trees, flowers and forest. Ataturk, longing for nature throughout his life, wanted to build a small hut in the forest and live alone with nature here. After he made Ankara the capital, he worked for afford station of the city and founded Ataturk Forest Farm. Ataturk, who could not stand the cutting of trees and even the breaking of his branches, changed the position of the mansion he had built in Yalova. In addition, for the shed he built in Söğütözü, instead of cutting the willow trees there, he carried it to another place. Ataturk, who is very sad that he likes to cut a tree, loves other flowers than trees, from the sea and from the forest.


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How to Cite

YAŞAR, S. (2018). Nature Love at Ataturk. Türk İslâm Medeniyeti Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 13(26), 59–84. Retrieved from