Birinci Dünya Savaşı Sosyal Tarihinin Yeterince Bilinmeyen Önemli Bir Kaynağı: “Vefâyâta Mahsus Vukûat Defterleri”

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It cannot be said that the social history was handled adequately in the researches on the First World War in which the political and martial subjects dominate. However, the social, economic and other developments apart from political and martial events should be considered in order to understand a society or historical events better. In this paper, “Incident books concerning to deaths,” which introduce us exceptionally important data to depict the Ottoman society from a great number of aspects such as the number of those injured or martyred and other causes of death, common diseases, the average of age at exit, marital status, professions, names, and nicknames in the last quarter of the Ottoman State, will be introduced with samples in detail for the first time.


- Arşiv Belgeleri

Burdur VMVD, Defter nu:4

Konya VMVD, Defter nu:5.

Konya Merkez VMVD, Cilt: VI-2,

Yalvaç VMVD, Defter nu: 1.

- Kitap ve makaleler

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How to Cite

KÖSTÜKLÜ, P. D. N. (2017). Birinci Dünya Savaşı Sosyal Tarihinin Yeterince Bilinmeyen Önemli Bir Kaynağı: “Vefâyâta Mahsus Vukûat Defterleri”. Türk İslâm Medeniyeti Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 12(24), 2017–24. Retrieved from