Sufistic and Psychological Effects of Tewbe “Repentance” for Self-Transformation

Repentance, Heart, Soul, Spiritual And Divine Love, Self-TransformationAbstract
Tewbe is repentance and turning to God Almighty from our mistakes. It is to turn ourselves towards the breeze of God’s grace and mercy, from the burning fire of deprivation in us. Repentance is to turn to Lord by undoing the persistent knot of misdeed of our hearts, and to follow God’s law. Tewbe, in another sense, is to regret mischief and sin and to turn God. Turning from infidelity to faith is the tewbe of the blasphemous, turning from misdeeds to good deeds is of the sinner, turning from bad habits to virtue is of the good people, turning to God from everything other than God (masiva) is of the prophets and saints”[1]. In fact, the main aim with regards to tewbe is to turn towards Allah and His love, from all the other loves.
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