The Impact of Visual and New Media in Turkey on the Transformation of the Notion of Home into the Scene in 21st Century: The Role of the Designer and the User

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Home, scene, decor, new media, visual media


The notion of home which had been defined throughout the history had effected researchers from different fields –specificly- since 20th century. As a result, the notion of home, had been started to be represented and exhibited sometimes through architectural practice and some times as a consumption object by the help of some medium such as visual and print media. New media had created another breaking point for the notion of home that has been tranformed in to a scene that is exhibited with this visibility. New media that gives opportunities to differen kinds of representations, evaluates the notion of home as a different public formula, as a scene due to the change in the conditions –again- in 21st century. Various programs which are dated to a specific period; 2013-2020 are selected and analyzed in order to focus on the different representations of the notion of home through new and visual media in the context of this study that employs qualitative research methods. For this analysis, a frame that includes different themes such as the uniqueness of design has been specified and these themes are reinterpreted. Additionally, the attitudes of the actors in the design process had been observed and a descriptive analysis had been made. With the help of this analysis, the problems related with the notion of home had been defined and many design approaches that emphasizes the roles of the designers and the users had been suggested. 


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Web Sayfaları

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How to Cite

TULUM , H. . (2021). The Impact of Visual and New Media in Turkey on the Transformation of the Notion of Home into the Scene in 21st Century: The Role of the Designer and the User. Türk İslâm Medeniyeti Akademik Araştırmalar Dergisi, 16(32), 287–310.